EST. 1917

Last updated 5/18/24
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Our campers’ well-being is our top priority. We review, update, and monitor our health-related plans and procedures based on current guidelines from the CDC, Maine Summer Camps, and the American Camping Association. We are committed to providing the best camp experience for everyone in attendance.
Based on current CDC recommendations campers or staff with symptoms of COVID or another respiratory virus should stay home until their fever has disappeared for at least 24 hours without relying on fever-lowering medications and their symptoms are improving overall. The CDC also recommends masking for five additional days when returning to normal activities, alongside physical distancing and/ or testing when around others indoors.
Thank you for choosing our camp and entrusting us with the care of your child. We are eagerly anticipating their arrival and look forward to creating unforgettable memories together.
Camp Laughing Loon
Health Screening
Parents/guardians should monitor the daily health of their child coming to camp. Monitoring includes, but is not limited to, taking the camper’s temperature in the morning and checking for any respiratory illness or COVID symptoms. No one will be allowed to attend camp with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher or with Covid or respiratory symptoms.
For the latest information and guidance, click here.
When to Stay Home and Symptom Monitoring
Parents/guardians should notify CLL at info@camplaughingloon.com if their camper has:
tested positive for COVID-19
is showing COVID-like symptoms
Campers who test positive for COVID-19 or show signs of COVID should NOT come to camp.
Please refer to the latest CDC guidance on returning to camp. Link
Camp Laughing Loon will be following the latest CDC masking guidance.
We encourage your child to be up to date with the COVID vaccines.
Food and Drinks
To ensure the safety of all campers this summer, we kindly ask that everyone brings their own pre-packaged lunches, snacks, and drinks to camp. We encourage the use of reusable lunch boxes, bags, food containers, and drink bottles, but please remember to properly sanitize them before each use. We ask that campers bring water bottles, which can be refilled at our water dispensers. Cups will also be available for use.
Lastly, there is no sharing of food, drinks, utensils, or personal belongings at camp. Let's all do our part to keep each other safe and healthy.
Handwashing and Covering Coughs and Sneezes
Frequent handwashing with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds, will be reinforced throughout the day.
If soap and water are not readily available, hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol will be made available for use.
If your child has an allergy to a specific hand sanitizer or type of hand sanitizer, immediately notify the Camp.
No one should use hand sanitizer if their hands are visibly dirty or greasy (for example, after playing outdoors, doing arts & crafts or eating). Instead, they should wash their hands with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds, as soon as possible.
Cough or sneeze into your mask or a tissue. When a mask or tissue is not available, try to cough or sneeze into your elbow and not your hands. If you sneeze or cough into your hands, immediately wash with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds, or use a hand sanitizer.
Masks that become dirty or wet should be replaced with a clean one as soon as possible.
Used tissues should be thrown out in the trash and hands washed immediately with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds.
Visual guides will be placed around Camp to help reinforce proper hand washing/sanitizing and coughing/sneezing.
Camp activities l take place outside as much as possible.
If activities are held indoors, camp buildings (e.g., lodge, arts & crafts building) will be ventilated with as much fresh air as possible, by opening windows and doors, particularly in high-traffic areas.
Camp Laughing Loon
COVID/Respiratory Illnesses